Update time…

I am very much appreciate that I haven’t posted anything in a while.

I was hoping to write up the Lardy day but I was very busy umpiring/assisting in the game of CoC that I put on and didn’t manage to take too many pics, the fact that Dan completely kicked our arse in the game didn’t help either although I think that Richard Clarke (author of the rules and one of the Lardies) playing the US Patrol Phase helped immensely – he totally hoodwinked me! However, it was a great pleasure to meet Per from the excellent ‘Roll a One’ blog (and aptly named it is too, we had rotten luck most of the day) and to introduce Glen to the rules. We also had a great time in the pub afterwards which was really cool too, although not so cool the next day! We were disappointed in the number of people that turned up for the event but will be having another go next year as it was fun. Obviously it was great meeting Rich Clarke and having a brief chat, hopefully he will be able to come again next year and maybe bring Sidney and/or Nick along too.

Meanwhile I have had a couple of great games over the past month, particularly a WW2 one round Des’ that was played using his CoC/IABSM hybrid rules, but I can’t say much about it as we will be having another go soon with Dan and Daren so don’t want to give away some surprises that will be cropping up. Similarly a cracking game played over 2 weeks at the club put on by Martin based on actions in the battle of Castiglione in the 1790’s were great but as the plan is to have a ‘proper’ go when we can get an all-dayer in to do it justice and as there are some nice surprises in this game too I’ll wait for the next go to do a write up and post pics.

Apart from this I have been cracking on with painting some 6mm Napoleonics which I am really enjoying so will have some pics soon once I have a few more units painted up. A major impetus for this painting jag is that I’ve been revising the Napoleonic rules that I have been knocking about for a while. We had another game on Monday with Des and Mike having a bash this time and they both enjoyed them which was a great boost. We are having another go next Monday and Martin and Ian are joining in, which again is nice as they are willing to have another go!

Anyway, will be trying to get some pics of the game if I can. In the meantime here’s some pics from the past month. The first few are from the Lardy day’s CoC game, Dan’s invincible GI’s putting the boot in to the filthy Bosche and the second set from Des’ ‘I Aint Been CoC’d Mum’ game (Rich Clarke thought it was a better name too so I’m sticking with it, sorry Des!) using his lovely 15mm Brits and Germans somewhere in Normandy in ’44.